Bulk Update BOM
Bulk Update BOM will update the BOM for every structural framing element in the model. This tool operates like the Update Selected BOM tools but instead of working on selected assemblies or structural framing elements it works on the entire model.
It can update both the Component BOM (Sheet) parameter and the Component BOM (Project) parameter of components in the assemblies or structural framing elements as given in the General Parameters Settings.
When running the Bulk BOM Updater, which pieces are to be updated must be selected. For each of the two parameter types there are three options:
All Pieces - Updates that parameter for all pieces in the assembly or element
One Piece From Each Control Mark - Updates only one piece in the assembly or element of a given control mark
None - Does not update this parameter
Then, which manufactured components in the assembly or element should be included can be selected. The following component types can be included or excluded: Connections, Embeds, Erection, Lifters, Reinforcement and Other.