Slender Wall Method
When the slender wall method is selected, the software will use the analysis procedure defined in ACI 318 Section 11.8. This procedure is a traditional P-Delta analysis, with special considerations made for how cracking will be handled.
Strength Combinations
Iterative procedure where
where Mua is the maximum factored moment at mid-height of the wall due to all loading, without P-∆ effects and
The cracked moment of inertia, Icr is defined as follows.
where the area of steel here is modified to account for the compression in the member as follows:
Service Combinations
Iterative procedure where
where Msa is the maximum factored moment at midheight of the wall due to all loading, without P-∆ effects and
Modified Slender Wall
This procedure is based on the research done by Dr. Maguire for TCA in the paper ”Tilt-Up Partially Composite Insulated Wall Panels” and is a modification of the procedure explained above. The main difference is that the deflections include an additional term that represents the additional deflection caused by the shear deformation in an insulated wall panel. This method requires that beam-spring be used for the the analysis method. Here the additional deflection is defined as