Analysis and Result Points
Analysis Points
The analysis points interface gives the user control over what locations are checked within the member. At each analysis points demands and all applicable service and strength checks will be performed. Only user defined points can be edited within this window, the base points will always be present. All result locations require it to also be an analysis point and will automatically create analysis points for the user.
The inputs for analysis points can be found at File Menu → Analysis Points.
Input Name | Description |
Base Points | The minimum number of segments the member will be broken up into. More points will be added at points of interest. |
Piece Length | The length of the piece currently being designed. This property is read only. |
Relative Location | The location of the analysis point measured as a percentage down the member length. |
Absolute Location | The location of the analysis point measured from the start of the member. |
Initial Stages | Tells the program to use this analysis point for stripping, handling, and erection stages. |
Final Stages | Tells the program to use this analysis point for the construction and in-place analysis. |
Points of Interest
Additional analysis points will be added at multiple locations within the member. Such as points where concrete extents change, loads are applied, reinforcement terminates, lifting hardware, bearing points, etc. Typically an analysis point is added on either side of the point of interest to capture shear effects.
User Defined Locations
The user can also add in analysis points at custom locations by clicking the ‘Click here to add analysis point’ button below the grid. This will add an editable point to the grid so the user can control where their results are calculated. Pressing the 'X' button in the left most column of the grid will remove the analysis point.
Result Point
The result points interface gives the user control over what locations results are displayed at. For initial and final stages the user has the ability to add in locations to display both section views and to add rows to their tables. Eriksson Wall will always display a base number of rows in tables and also add in the controlling row. All result locations require it to also be an analysis point and will automatically create analysis points for the user.
The inputs for analysis points can be found at File Menu → Result Points.
Input Name | Description |
Selected Case | The user selects from the below cases in order to edit the additional result locations. Available cases for editing include: Initial Stresses, Initial Flexure, Initial Shear, In-place Stresses, In-place Flexure, In-place Shear. |
Base Table Rows | The minimum number of rows that will be added to the table. If the assumed symmetry option is selected, this number will be halved. |
Relative Location | The location of the analysis point measured as a percentage down the member length. |
Absolute Location | The location of the analysis point measured from the start of the member. |
Table Entry | Add a row at this location in the corresponding tables. |
Section View | Add a section view at this location in the corresponding sections. |