Concrete Extents

This tab covers the concrete extents and architectural features of the panel.

Panel Geometry

In this block, you enter all information that sets the base panel geometry. Depending on which of the section types are selected, the input content will change. The inputs for this section are:





Top / Bottom Elevation

The elevation of the top and bottom of the panel. All input based elevations are based on these input values. By setting the bottom elevation to a non-zero value, you can later update the foundation elevation (if needed) and the loads and supports will not have to be updated. Setting the elevation also assists with quicker checking as it will match corresponding drawings / models.

More information on this can be found on the page.


The height of the panel is the top elevation minus the bottom elevation.

Section Type

The user selects the typical section type to be used. the options are: Solid Panel, Insulated Panel, Hollowcore Panel, T-Beam Panel

Top in Form

Sets the top in form to be either the interior face or the exterior face. This only effects in-place orientation. In addition, if beam-spring is used all supports will be moved to the interior face.


The width of the wall section or wythe.


The thickness of the wall section of wythe.

Top / Bottom End Block

For a sandwich panel, the length (from each end) of the end blocks. These end blocks will effect the composite behavior of the panel.

More information on this can be found on the page.

Insulation Thickness

Thickness of the insulation for sandwich panels.

Core Information

Core quantity and geometry can be defined for hollow core sections. These are idealized as ellipses and are spaced evenly through the width.

Leg Information

Leg information can be defined for T-Beam sections. A wall panel can have up to 4 legs and are equally spaced through the width.

Miter Information





Top In form

Determines if the miter is top in form or bottom in form. The given miter can be placed on the left and/or the right side of the panel.


The width of the miter.


The height of the miter.


Openings, Reveals, and Solid Zones






Add a new row into the boolean table.


Remove one or more rows in the boolean table.


Copy a row in the boolean table.


Pressing the Reorder button opens a dialog box (show below) that allows the user to drag and drop the various boolean entities around on this table.  Eriksson Wall processes the booleans in the order that they are input.  Most of the time that does not matter, but in general, put solids before openings (in boolean ‘speak’, unions should be done before differences).  Check the sketch to the right or the 3D model to make sure the program is interpreting your concrete extents correctly.


Solid: Solid zones are used to replace insulation (around holes, for example).

Opening: A hole is assumed to be rectangular and to penetrate through both the entire panel.  Holes may overlap.

Reveal: Reveals can be either horizontal or vertical, and can also overlap.  Reveals are not assumed to penetrate the entire panel.

Void: This allows the user to input a single void along the length of the section.  This is essentially the same as a hollow core void, but without end blocks.

Leg: The leg boolean allows the user to add solid zones outside the panel boundary.  This is essentially the same as legs in the T section, but allows the user to input legs that only extend a fraction of the overall panel length.

Position Along Length

Position: Distance from start (bottom) of panel.

Length: Overall length of the boolean as measured parallel to the height of the panel.

Position in Cross Section

Horizontal Position: Horizontal location position of the boolean measured from the left edge of the panel to the left edge of the boolean.

Width: Width of the boolean.

Vertical Position (reveals, voids, and legs): Vertical location of the boolean measured from bottom face of the panel to the bottom face of the boolean. (Bottom in form/Top in form)

Height (reveals, voids, and legs): Height of the boolean.

Shape (voids only): Height of the boolean.

Label: Allows the user to apply a label to the boolean (e.g. ‘dock door’).