
Stage Options





Include Stage

Checking this box will include the corresponding stage for the analysis.

Load Multiplier

Load multiplier applied to all self weight for the analysis. The load multiplier is not included when checking lifter capacities.

Lift Type

Static Lift: Will assume all lift locations act as a pin.

Rolling Block: Will assume a sling is run between sets of connectors. This sling normalizes forces between connectors. The forces are normalized between for an entire crane line.

For example, if doing a 4-high lift using 2 crane lines, the first two lifters will have the same reaction and the second two lifters will have the same reaction. Where if one was doing a 4-high lifting on a single crane line, all 4 lifters would have the same value.

Concrete Strength

Option to use either the release strength or the 28-day strength of the concrete.

Stress Limits

Option to use either the handling stress limits or the in-place stress limits.

Sling Angle

Angle used to compute the lateral force at a given lifter. This value will not effect the analysis and will only be used to estimate the shear force a connector is exerting on the panel.

Tilt Angle

The angle to tilt the member for the analysis. The tilt angle is used to change the direction of the applied self weight. It does not change how lifter forces are computed as a more accurate computation requires more data than is provided.

Tilt angle is only available when a ground reaction is included.

Add Ground Reaction

Option to add an a ground reaction on the member. If the ground reaction ends up being negative (in tension), consider removing the ground reaction.

Face Lifters on Single Crane Line


Assume top Edge Lifters Carry Panel Weight

This option is used to assume the panel will be held carrying it’s entire weight on the top edge lifters. Checking this option will override the computed tension in the connection to be the panel weight divided by the number of edge lifters.

Lifter Locations

Face / Side Edge Lifters

Any longitudinal location entered here can be used for stripping or either erection stage. Any row included for stripping or erection will place a lifter at that location for all column locations defined. Columns will not change the internal forces for a given panel, only the reported reactions.

Top Edge Lifter Locations

Any location entered here can be used for stripping or either erection stage. Any row included for stripping or erection will place a lifter at the top of the panel at all defined locations. Top edge lifters are assumed to have their own crane line.


Any location entered here will be automatically used in the transportation analysis. The transportation analysis supports 2-4 dunnage points.

Default Locations

Rows and columns may be placed at default locations by using the ‘Set to Default’ buttons. Default locations are supported for 2-point, 3-point, and 4-point lifts. These locations can be entered and saved by the user for future use.


When defining the rows and column, the user can use either end of the panel as a datum, or the panel’s centroid. When selecting a datum the location positive direction is towards the opposite side of the panel, or towards the end / right edge if centroid is user. For example, if the end of the panel is the datum, a positive location is towards the start. If for a column the centroid is used as a datum, the right side is the positive direction.

Lifter Capacities

The software can also be instructed to check lifter capacities. If told to do so the user can input capacities for face lifters, side edge lifters, and top edge lifters. The analysis will only check those which correspond to the given lifter locations. The lifter’s capacities can either be entered on the fly or imported from the . For edge lifters, the reported vertical reaction is assumed to act as a shear force and is not combined with shear due to the sling angle. Capacities are checked using unfactored reactions.