Stripping and Handling

The performance summary contains analysis for three stripping and handling stages: stripping, transportation, and erection. These consist of two main parts the moments and reactions and the demand on the pile with an accompanying allowable.

Stripping and Handling Output



The moment and reactions are calculated using a shear moment analysis on the piles input lift points.


The Demand is calculated using the largest moment and dividing that value by the section modulus of the pile. The allowable is calculated for both tension and compression by taking the tension/compression allowable and subtracting off the prestress force divided by the area.

Tension Allowable

Tension Allowable Calculation

φ: The tension limit multiplier based on user input “Stress Limit” Handling tab

fc: Concrete strength as specified by the user in the Handling input tab

Fp: Prestress Force in the pile. Fpi is used if “Stress Limit” is Transfer and Fpe is used if “Stress Limit” is Service.

Ag: Area of the pile

Compression Allowable

φ: The compression limit multiplier based on user input “Stress Limit” Handling tab

fc: Concrete strength as specified by the user in the Handling input tab

Fp: Prestress Force in the pile. Fpi is used if “Stress Limit” is Transfer and Fpe is used if “Stress Limit” is Service.

Ag: Area of the pile