Version History
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where users DRM may crash on startup and cloud licensing was not working
Fixed an issue where *.pile files were not associated with the program
Errors and Warnings Tab
Added a warning for when the design contains less than 700 psi of prestressing as stated by Ch. 20
Bug fixes
Analysis summary pile depth was being reported as the pile width
If the section was changed from a rectangular non-square section to a circular or octagonal section the depth would not revert to the proper value
Rectangular (non-square) sections are now supported in the concrete extents pane
Piece Ticket
Units were not displaying properly on many of the ticket elements. - Fixed
Rebar sizes are now customizable through the rebar library
Previous sizes are included by default
Fixed a bug in the pm diagram error handler if a moment was zero it would show as an error
Fixed a bug in the lifting “Demand” configuration where the demand did not have P/A being applied correctly
Many metric unit fixes
Piece ticket was update to fully reflect metric units
Drawings updated to fully reflect metric units
General analysis
In very rare cases a lift position may overlap with a point in the analysis causing bad values in the analysis. This update fixes this case.
Performance Summary
Fixed a bug where high values of concrete strength would cause an issue in the Performance Summary PM Diagram
Fixed a bug where losses would not use the “Specify” even if the option was selected
Performance Summary
Added and Analysis Option to toggle where the prestress is applied (Allowable vs. Demand)
In the handling stages this Analysis Option will change the layout of the demand and allowable values
Piece Ticket
Misc. fixes to the piece ticket output
Main Window
Print All now asks what you would like to print
Program Options
A new option was added to specify what number format the program will use (periods or commas as decimal points) in the option “Number Format”
Bug Fixes
Issue where some countries would experience crashes due to mismatched windows cultures not be appropriately handled.
Countries where a comma may be used in lieu of a period for decimal points would cause crashes
Bug Fixes
Piles with only rebar reinforcement had drawing issues in the production summary, reinforcement tab, and the piece ticket.
Piles with only rebar reinforcement would crashed the program when using the Detensioning tool in the piece ticket.
Piles with only rebar reinforcement would display NaN for the allowable in the handling stages.
Piles with only rebar reinforcement would not display the interaction diagram in the Analysis summary.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a drawing issue where the Reactions could be too close together to show a distance in the Moment/Reaction diagram.
Fixed a drawing issue where the “M” label in the Moment/Reaction diagram would overlap a line.
Fixed a bug in the lifter utilization check that caused an error to be reported even if there were no lifters being checked.
Analysis Summary
Fixed a bug where rolling block lifts were being performed as static lifts in certain situations.
Added interactive Moment/Reaction diagrams for all handling stages.
Handling Input
Fixed a bug where top edge lifters were not being loaded on file open.
Added static lift support for the Erection stage.
Added more warnings and errors when checking lifting capacities.
Added a warning to flag for possible invalid lifting configurations if a lifting reactions is in compression.
Performance Summary
Fixed a bug in the lifting stages where if the stress was over the tension allowable it would not be flagged.
Production Summary
Fixed a visual bug where rebar would always be shown on the cut section even if no rebar was present.
Fixed an issue with transverse spiral reinforcement zones not adding up to the length of the pile
Added an manual check for update button in the menu bar’s “Help” list
Handling Input Tab
Added “Stress Limits” input to handling
Analysis Summary
Added a passing column to User Defined Lifting Points
Performance Summary
Changes to the way that Demand and Allowables are displayed
Fix to shear where ϕVn was being reported inaccurately with custom shear values
Misc. bug fixes
Concrete Extents
Cut-Off Length Added
Concrete Strength “Stripping” option added
Option added to use rebar as a top connection only
Grout Tube Diameter field added
Analysis Summary
All new input added
Mild Interaction Diagram added (if rebar is used as top connection)
Performance Summary
Updated the Interaction diagrams to reflect the new “Top Connection” Option in Reinforcement Input Tab
Spiral Summary
Cut-Off length is now added to the ductile zone length
Production Summary
Rebar added to the cross-sectional view
Elevation view now has the void shown as a dashed line
Piece Ticket
Elevation view now has the void shown as a dashed line
Mild steel is now added to the Bar List automatically (if top connection is not used)
Embedments added to the top of the pile elevation view
Embedments added to the Embedments Table automatically (if top connection is used)
Mild confinement steel is now added to the Material Specifications table
Rebar steel is now added to the Material Specifications table
Option to automatically add and update strand used into the Bar List
Lifters from Handling input are automatically added into the Embedments Table
The lifters must be checked and named
New Custom Detail Options
Embed Elevation - This is a new elevation drawing with customizable options that may be used if top connections are used in the design. It details the top connection of the design
Embed Section - A new cut section drawing dimensioning the rebar or top connections
Fix to dark mode visual bugs
QC Document and Designs updated to reflect new major changes
Misc. bug fixes
Exposed shear options
Update to confinement steel input
Misc. bug fixes
Handling Input Tab
Concrete Strength selector added
Fixed a bug where Transportation support locations would be duplicated
Reinforcement Input Tab
Added support for mild rebar reinforcement
Rebar pattern selection added
Material Properties Input Tab
Rebar Properties options added
Analysis Options Input Tab
Seismic detailing options added to more accurately design confinement reinforcement
Service Multipliers added for handling calculations
Program Options
Service PM diagram can now be disabled
Performance Summary
Printing bug where lifter reactions were divided by two is fixed
Added Shear Equation reference for backchecking
Service PM diagram is now replaced with a mild ultimate PM diagram (if applicable)
Spiral Summary added
Confinement reinforcement detailed summary for ACI, AASHTO, and PCI
3D Model
Various bug fixes
Misc. bug fixes
Bug fix for performance summary allowable values
Bug fix for line weight importing
DWG importing on piece ticket is now is user controlled by a dialog window
Update checking method changed to incorporate the new Eriksson Hub
New dark theme available