Transverse Reinforcement

Transverse Reinforcement

Eriksson Pile uses PCI BDM Chapter 20 and PCI Standard 142, as well as, AASHTO LRFD 9th Edition when determining the minimum requirements for the enclosing spiral or hoops. A given pile is divided into two zones, the ductile zone and the non-ductile zone. Both PCI and AASHTO specify different requirements based on what zone of the pile the user is in.

The Ductile Regions for a given pile are defined under:

  • PCI BDM Section


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Ductile Regions have the Cut-Off length automatically added to them in the program output

Transverse reinforcement is divided into 3 zones which vary from PCI BDM to AASHTO LRFD. PCI BDM defines these zones as Ordinary, Intermediate, and Special. AASHTO LRFD defines these zones as “Seismic Zone 1”, “Seismic Zone 2”, and “Seismic Zones 3 and 4”.


AASHTO is considered to be overly conservative as stated by in seismic loads the PCI BDM Chapter 20, below is a brief breakdown of the zones found in the AASHTO code.

Seismic Zone 1 [LRFD Art.]

Seismic Zone 1 requires no special consideration for seismic forces and only requires the prescriptive reinforcement as shown in Figure 1 or Figure 2 depending on the pile width.

AASHTO Art. states minimum confinement sizing shall be W3.9 or greater, however this appears to be a typographical error as it does not agree with other specifications and references. As such, Eriksson Pile uses a minimum steel size of W3.5 in lieu of W3.9.

Figure 1 - Prescriptive Minimums for Spiral/Hoop Confinement (Piles 24” or less in width)
Figure 2 - Prescriptive Minimums for Spiral/Hoop Confinement (Piles greater than 24” in width)

Seismic Zone 2 [LRFD Art.]

Seismic Zone 2 requires the full length of the prestressing strands be enclosed in steel spirals or equivalent ties. The

Seismic Zone 3 & 4 [LRFD Art.]

Seismic Zone 3 & 4 requires the full length of the prestressing strands be enclosed in steel spirals or equivalent ties. In addition minimum volumetric ratios are defined at:

  • LRFD Eq.

  • LRFD Eq.

  • LRFD Eq.

  • LRFD Eq.


ACI defines their zones to be aligned with the 2018 IBC. ACI uses Seismic Design Categories (SDC) and 318-19 breaks them into 3 distinct sections. Section one is SDC A&B, section two is SDC C, and section three is SDC D,E, & F.


PCI defines their zones to be more aligned with ACI 318-19 and the 2018 IBC. The equations are based on ductility considerations which, according to the PCI BDM, are more appropriate for use with prestress piles in seismic regions.

Ordinary Concrete Piles [PCI Std. 142 4.7.3]

Ordinary Concrete Piles are a pile designation used for seismic design of piles with an expected curvature ductility capacity of at least 6. Ordinary Concrete Piles require no special consideration for seismic forces and only requires the prescriptive reinforcement as shown in Figure 1 or Figure 2 depending on the pile width.

Intermediate Concrete Piles [PCI Std. 142]

Intermediate Concrete Piles are a pile designation used for seismic design of piles with an expected curvature ductility capacity of at least 12.

Special Concrete Piles [PCI Std. 142]

Special Concrete Piles are a pile designation used for seismic design of piles with an expected curvature ductility capacity of at least 18.

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