Tutorial 2: Three-Edge Bearing

Tutorial 2: Three-Edge Bearing

Problem Overview

This Tutorial problem will provide an overview of performing a three-edge bearing design check. In Tutorial 1, we had process multiple dialog boxes to obtain the results.  In this problem, however, we will only have one dialog box to review.

Start Eriksson Pipe as before and begin a new job by selecting the New Project button.  Again, you will start with the Project Information screen.

Input your project information (if any) and select ‘Next’.

On the Project Settings DB, select Three Edge Bearing and press the Next button.

The next (and last) input window is the input for the three edged bearing design.  Change the inputs here as needed to match the screen above.  Note that you have two choices in the lower right hand corner of this DB.  You can either determine the D-Load capacity for a specified reinforcement, or determine the required reinforcement for a specified D-Load.

Press the ‘Calculate’ button to exit this screen and perform the calculations, which will result in a short 1-page report.  You can print this report via the Print dialog box as previously shown.  Also, you can save the data in an Eriksson Pipe data file, or you can return to the dialog box and change any of the input values.

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