Setting Minimum Rating Factors

To set minimum ratings factors in Eriksson Culvert, open the Load and Resistance Factors dialog box, and in the lower right-hand corner, set the Load Factor Multipliers to whatever you want the minimum ratings factors to be.  For example, when you first start the program, these factors should be set to 1.0. 

In the Text Report (this example is in Design Mode), you can see that the lowest (or controlling) ratings factors are just above 1. 

When running in design mode, open the Load and Resistance Factors dialog box and set the Design Mode Load Factor multiplier to 1.2.  This should ensure a minimum rating factor of 1.2.   

Going to the text report, we can now see that the lowest (or controlling) ratings factors are just above 1.2. 

Note that you can use this in Analysis mode as well to increase your demand, however note that this will increase demands in the critical section tables. A recommended way to use this feature is to use the 1.2 multiplier in Design Mode. Then run the design in Analysis Mode with a 1.0 Load Factor Multiplier for a final design check. If this is done, the minimum rating factor should still be that which was input into the Load Factor Multiplier for Design Mode.