AS 5100 Specification Support

AS 5100 Specification Support

  • User can now select AS 5100 as their specification in Project Settings. When AS5100 is selected:

    • Load and resistance factors are set to spec defaults.

    • Fatigue and service allowable bar stresses are set to AS5100.5 option.

    • Minimum reinforcement is set to 500mm^2/m.

    • Minimum percent of flexure is set to 15.

    • Minimum reinforcement ratio is set to 0.002.

  • User can now select "By Specification" as an option in the "Moving Loads" dialogue box to generate the DLA automatically per spec.

  • Minimum DLA is generated like so:

    • If the vehicle name begins or ends with "S1600" then the minimum DLA is set to 0.

    • Otherwise the minimum DLA is set to 0.1.

  • Maximum DLA is generated like so:

    • If the vehicle is "heavy" type, then the maximum DLA is set to 0.1.

    • Otherwise, if the vehicle name begins or ends with "S1600" then the maximum DLA is set to 0.

    • If the vehicle name begins or ends with "M1600" then the number of axles that are defined is checked.

      • If there are 3 axles, the maximum DLA is set to 0.35.

      • Otherwise, the maximum DLA is set to 0.3.

    • If these name conditions aren't met, and the vehicle is not "heavy" type, the the maximum DLA is set to 0.4.

  • User can now select "By Specification" as an option in the "Truck Properties" dialogue box to generate the tire contact area automatically per spec.

  • The tire contact length is generated like so:

    • If the vehicle is "heavy" type, then 200mm is used.

    • If the vehicle name begins or ends with "M1600" 200mm is used.

    • Otherwise, 250mm is used.

  • The tire contact width is generated like so:

    • If the vehicle is "heavy" type, then 200mm is used.

    • Otherwise, 400mm is used.

  • If the default inputs remain after selecting AS1597 as the specification, the minimum reinforcement checks include checking that the minimum reinforcement ratio is 0.002 and that 15% of the steel required for flexure is provided. 300mm maximum bar spacing is not currently checked.

    • Additionally, if the member is greater than 150mm in thickness (including haunch and taper), the input of minimum steel in mm^2/m (defaults is 500) is checked for every layer of reinforcement.

    • If the member is 150mm or less and the minimum steel input is 250mm^2/m or greater, then it is checked that each layer provides at least 250mm^2/m of reinforcement.

      • This was done because the culvert program only allows two layers of steel input, whereas AS5100 only requires a single layer providing 500mm^2/m.

    • If the member is 150mm or less and the minimum steel input is less than 250mm^2/m, then the input value is used to check every layer of steel.

  • AS5100 shear support was added. As the program doesn't currently allow input of shear stirrups, the shear capacity is set to zero when shear stirrups are required. This is determined like so:

    • If the member is a wall, then no stirrups are required.

    • If the member is a slab and is less than 300mm in depth (including haunch), then shear stirrups are not required.

    • If the member is 750mm or more thick, then shear stirrups are required, and the program sets the shear capacity of the slab to zero.

    • Otherwise, the program sets the shear capacity to 05phi*Vuc, so that the program will show a shear failure if stirrups are required.

  • The bilinear distribution rectangle of live loads through earth fills is used when AS5100 is selected.

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