Add Detailing Steel

Add Detailing Steel allows placement of steel around openings and around the wall perimeter, as well as wall pier reinforcement and transverse steel.

The Add Detailing Steel dialog window contains four tabs along the left side for each type of reinforcement. The right side of the window has a Summary Sketch that shows where the selected steel would be placed in a wall with an opening.


On the Openings tab reinforcing steel can be defined to go around all openings in the chosen wall.

The inputs on the Openings tab are:

  • Use Opening Detailing Steel must be checked for opening steel to be placed in the wall.

  • Detailing Type allows selection of two types of opening steel, either Trim Bars or Trim Bars with Diagonals.

  • Trim Bar Size can vary from 3 to 6.

  • Cover Edge of Panel indicates the cover for steel from the edges of the wall panel.

  • Cover From Opening provides the cover around any openings.

  • Extension Length is the length of reinforcing steel from the edge of the opening to the end of the bar.

  • Number of Layers can be set to 1, 2 or 3. When the number of layers are selected inputs for the depth of each layer will be made available.

  • First/Second/Third Layer Depth are inputs for the depth of each layer.

Wall Perimeter

On the Wall Perimeter tab reinforcing steel can be defined to go around the perimeter of the wall. Steel will be cut at any openings around the perimeter and opening steel will be placed around those if selected.

The inputs on the Wall Perimeter tab are:

  • Include Perimeter Bars must be checked to include perimeter steel around the wall panel.

  • Perimeter Bar Size can vary from 3 to 6.

  • Cover Edge of Panel provides the cover distance around the panel.

  • Transverse Bar Offset sets the transvers bars to be offset up or down from the longitudinal bars or not offset at all.

  • Number of Layers can be set to 1, 2 or 3. When the number of layers are selected inputs for the depth of each layer will be made available.

  • First/Second/Third Layer Depth are inputs for the depth of each layer.

Wall Pier

On the Wall Pier tab steel reinforcement can be defined for wall piers. To place wall pier reinforcement in the wall panel opening and perimeter steel must also be placed in the wall since the stirrups for wall piers wrap around perimeter and opening steel.

  • Include Wall Pier Reinforcement must be checked to include wall pier reinforcement in the panel. Use Opening Detailing Steel and Include Perimeter Bars must also be checked.

  • Reinforcement Type can be set as Stirrups or Stirrups for Seismic. Stirrups for Seismic uses hooked bars for the opening steel above and below openings.

  • Max Wall Pier Width is the maximum distance between an opening and the edge of the panel for placing wall pier reinforcement.

  • Stirrup Spacing is the spacing between centerline of stirrups.

  • Stirrup Family is the stirrup Revit family to use for stirrups in the model.

  • Stirrup Type is the stirrup Revit family to use for stirrups. This drop-down box can be left blank.


On the Transverse tab zones of transverse reinforcement can be defined and placed in the selected wall panel. Transverse steel will be automatically cut at openings.

  • Include Transverse Reinforcement must be checked to include transverse steel in the wall panel.

  • Add Row adds a new zone to the transverse reinforcement grid.

  • Remove Row deletes the selected zone from the grid.

  • Zone Start is the distance along the length of the wall panel at which to start the transverse zone.

  • Zone End is the distance along the length of the wall panel at which to end the transverse zone.

  • Spacing is the distance from centerline of adjacent stirrups.

  • Bar Size can be set to 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.

  • Left Cover denotes the cover of the left side of the bar at the panel edge or an opening.

  • Right Cover is the cover of the right side of the bar at the panel edge or an opening.

  • Depth is the distance of the transverse zone into the wall panel.

Settings File

The inputs and values from all tabs in the Add Detailing Steel dialog can be saved to and loaded from a settings file. Save Settings File will open a save file dialog box to enter a file name and save all of the settings to a file. Load Settings File will show an open file dialog box to find a settings file and the load its values into the Add Detailing Steel dialog.


Once all information is entered in the Add Detailing Steel dialog clicking the Run button will place the steel into the selected wall panel in the model. The Summary Sketch on the side shows which types of reinforcement will be added to the model.