Brick Tool

From the Brick Tool ribbon section Eriksson Brick Tool files can be exported to be opened in Eriksson Brick Tool or imported to place brick in the model. Brick Tool files must be exported to send the concrete extents to Eriksson Brick Tool. Bricks can then be added to the selected elements in Eriksson Brick Tool and then the file can be imported into Revit to add brick into the model.

Export By Edges

Exporting an Eriksson Brick Tool file by selecting edges allows for easy selection of elements and their faces simply by selecting edges of elements. When two edges are selected all element faces between those selected edges will be exported in the Eriksson Brick Tool file.

For example, selection by edges can allow selection of all exterior wall faces of a rectangular building by clicking on one corner then clicking on the other three corners in a clockwise direction and clicking on the first corner again. All external wall faces would then be exported to an Eriksson Brick Tool file to be opened in Eriksson Brick Tool.

Export by Element Face

Exporting an Eriksson Brick Tool by selecting element faces allows for selections without having to hunt down edges of more complicated models. Just click the wall panel and then click the desired face. Once all elements are selected, export them to an Eriksson Brick Tool file to be opened in Eriksson Brick Tool.

Import Brick Tool File

After Eriksson Brick Tool has been used to add bricks to a Brick Too file that file can then be imported into Revit to add the bricks to the model. The brick families must be in the Revit file and the brick families must have family map entries in the family map.