Add Lifters

Add lifters will use the CG of the concrete element and user inputs to place lifters.

The Lifter Configuration allows for either a 4-Point Lift or an 8-Point Lift. There are inputs for the distance from edge of the panel and holes, minimum distance between lifters and minimum horizontal and vertical distances from the CG. Edge Lifters can also be included.


All inputs can then be saved by marking the Save Preferences checkbox before clicking the Run button. Then, every time Add Lifters is run those saved preferences will be used for the inputs.


After pressing the Run button, the lifter positions will be calculated according to the CG of the panel and the user inputs. A window will be shown with the calculated lifter positions.

The drawing shows the wall panel with its CG and the calculated positions of all lifters. From this window the locations for the lifters can be edited. When a lifter location is selected from one of the list boxes for Face Lifters, Top Lifters or Edge Lifters, that specific lifter will be highlighted in red in the drawing and dimensions drawn for it. Lifter positions can also be added or removed. The position of Edge Lifters can be set to either Left or Right side.


Clicking Okay will place the lifters in the model at the positions shown in the window.