Using Eriksson BIM Tools for Revit

After Eriksson BIM Tools for Revit is installed it can be accessed from the Eriksson BIM Tools tab in the Revit ribbon.


The Eriksson BIM Tools ribbon tab is divided into four sections: Sync Tools, Modeling Tools, Brick Tool and Options.


Sync Tools

The buttons in the Sync Tools section give access to functions that interact with the Revit model and Eriksson Software design files.

Export Design is used to create Eriksson Software design files from concrete elements in the model.

Import Reinforcement is used to add reinforcement to concrete elements in the model from Eriksson Software design files.

Import Lifters is used to add lifter components to elements in the model from Eriksson Software design files.


Manage Parts brings up the Design Manager where design file associations with parts in the model can be easily edited.

Edit Family Map brings up the family map editor for the selected part in the model.

Modeling Tools

The buttons in the Modeling Tools section give access to functions for interacting directly with the model.

Assemble Part is used to assemble parts in the model into an assembly. All parts within a concrete element such as reinforcement and lifters are automatically included in the assembly.

Add Lifters is used to add lifters to a wall according to its geometry. The c.g. of the wall is calculated and lifters are placed according to the parameters input on the Add Lifters dialog.

Add Detailing Steel is used to add opening steel, perimeter steel, wing wall reinforcement and transverse reinforcement to a wall according to parameters input on the Add Detailing Steel dialog.

Brick Tool

The buttons in the Brick Tool section give functions that interact with the Eriksson Brick Tool. Concrete extents can be exported to Brick Tool. Then, once brick is placed in the Brick Tool the brick can be imported into the Revit model.

Export By Edges is used to select the elements to export to Brick Tool by selecting their edges.

Export By Element Face is used to select the specific face of elements to export to Brick Tool.

Import Brick Tool File is used to read a Brick Tool file and import the brick into the model.


The buttons in the Options section provide access to additional settings and help.

Settings allows editing of the functionality and behavior of Eriksson BIM Tools.

Help brings up online help files and documentation in the default web browser. An internet connection is required.

About brings up the About page which provides information about Eriksson Sync and allows the user to manage the software licenses and check for a software update.