Instructions for Installation of PSBeam V4.7x

I. Instructions for Installation of PSBeam V4.7x.

  1. Do not un-install previous versions of PSBeam. You will need to
    access the existing folder for the old section and truck libraries.

  2. Simply double click the setup executable and follow the on screen
    prompts (it will install in a different folder than previous versions).

  3. If you have no previous versions of PSBeam, you are done. Users with
    a previous version will need to move the section/truck library and Username.esy files
    (see below).

II. What do I do with my current section and truck libraries?

The installation procedure should have created new folders under My Documents
(or on newer systems - Documents) as follows:

\Eriksson Software\PSBeam V4\Section Library \Eriksson Software\PSBeam V4\Truck Library

You will need to move your existing section and truck libraries too these folders.
They are typically found in the following:

\Eriksson Technologies\PSBeam V4\Section Library \Eriksson Technologies\PSBeam V4\Truck Library

You will also need to move your UserName.esy file from the original installation directory:

To the new location created when installed:


III. What do I do with my old PSBeam data files?

PSBeam V4.7x is fully backwards compatible with data files created with previous
versions of PSBeam. You can leave them where the are now, or you can move them
to the new \Eriksson Software\PSBeam V4 folder under Documents that was
created during the installation process (we recommend that you move them).

IV. Program environment.

You will note that you have lost your current PSBeam environment (stored in a
file called 'private.ini' found in your \Eriksson Technologies\PSBeam V4 folder).
You can either recreate this environment in PSBeam, or you can copy this file
to the \Eriksson Software\PSBeam V4 folder. Note that this may point your
section and truck library folder to the appropriate folder under
\Eriksson Technologies\PSBeam V4. You can continue to use these folders to store
your section and truck libraries (and ignore Step III above), or you can
point PSBeam to this new folder under PSBeam|File|Options.

V. Uninstalling Old Versions

If you have moved all of your library and data files, you can safely uninstall
old version of PSBeam (which is why we recommended that step above).