Reinforce Part

Reinforce Part

Reinforce Part is used to insert reinforcement from design files into parts in the model. Any number of parts can be selected.

Associated Design File

When parts are selected in the model the associated design file name will be shown if it exists. If not, the text “No Design Selected” will be shown. If multiple parts are selected with different associated design files then the text “Multiple Designs Selected” will be shown.

Any number of parts from one to all parts in the model can be selected to be reinforced. No matter how many parts are selected Sync will reinforce those parts with their previously associated design files. A design file can be associated with the selected parts in the Reinforce Part window before reinforcing but only one file can be chosen so if multiple parts are selected the chosen file will be associated with all parts of the corresponding type (i.e. an Eriksson Wall File (.ewf) can only be associated with the selected walls in the model) and all other parts will maintain their design file associations.

An existing design file can be selected by clicking the button to the right of the file path. This opens the open file dialog box. The type of Eriksson Project File that can be used will be determined by the types of parts selected in the model. Navigate to the folder that contains the design file and click Open.

The design file will not be associated with the parts until the Run button is clicked.


Before inserting the reinforcement into the model settings can be changed as needed. Options are provided to choose what types of reinforcement to remove and what types of reinforcement to insert, as well as how the reinforcement should be placed into the parts.

For more information, go to the Reinforce Part Settings page.


Run must be clicked to make the association between the selected parts and the design files if an association does not already exist. Once Run is clicked reinforcement will be read from the design files and positions will be calculated according to the selections in the Settings window. The Choose Reinforcement window will be shown that displays all reinforcement, grouped by type, that will be placed. The include check box can be unchecked to not have any reinforcement type placed into the model.

When Okay is clicked on the Choose Reinforcement window, Sync will start placing the reinforcement.

A progress bar will appear at the bottom of the Reinforce Part window with information about the status of the reinforcement process with a success or failure message when the operation is complete. After completion the Reinforce Part window can be expanded at the bottom to obtain further information, especially if there were any errors.

Messages, Warnings and Errors

After Sync is done running Reinforce Part the lower part of the window will show status messages for the operation as well as any warnings or errors.