Program Operation

Program Operation


As is traditional in Windows based programs, Eriksson Connect contains a menu for access to basic functions not found anywhere else in the program.  From left to right, the main menu items are “File”, “View”, “Analysis”, and “Help”.


File Menu

 New (Ctrl+N): Selecting New will reset all of the input fields. If you have not saved the data since your last change, you will be prompted to save the data before it is reset.

Open (Ctrl+O): Open an previously saved project.

Save (Ctrl+S): Save the current project under the same name and location.

Save As: Save the current project under a different name/location.

Print (Ctrl+P): Print the current project report.

Exit (Ctrl+X): Exits the program.  You will be prompted to save any unsaved problem data.


View Menu

 Fit Width (Alt + W): Fit the contents of the input/output tab to the width of the display screen, minus the width of the 3D view on the right.

 Fit Height (Alt + H): Fit the contents of the input/output tab to the height of the display screen, minus the height of the menu and tool bars.

 Show Company Logo (Alt + C): Toggles the display of any company logo on the input/output tabs.


Help Menu


Help Manual: Displays the contents of this file, which is a combination of a user manual and help file.

 QC Document: Displays the contents of the QC document, which is a series of problems solved by hand, which are used to check the analysis results of Eriksson Connect.

 About Eriksson Connect: Displays the program name and version number, and allows the user ability to de-activate their run-time license.

 Check for Update: Check to make sure that you have the most current version available.

 Contact Technical Support: Navigates the user to the Eriksson Software tech support page where they can log in or create a new account to contact tech support.

 Change Log: Displays all previous versions of the program with the major changes to each version listed.


Tool Bar

The tool bar, contains a series of buttons, each with a specific program function assigned to it.  Most of the important program features have been assigned to buttons for quick and easy access to them.

The picture or icon on each button gives you a clue about its function.  To find out what a specific button does, move your cursor over it and a small rectangular box ( a “tool tip”) will appear.

These same icons can be seen beside the various menu items that have the same function.  From left to right these are: New, Open, Save, Save As, Print, Fit Width, Fit Height, and Show Company Logo.

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