Construct Assembly

Construct Assembly


This tool creates an assembly from the selected structural framing element. In addition, all elements (excluding connections which are identified according to the Connections Settings) that are within the bounding box of the element are automatically included in the assembly. The assembly is then renamed to match the control mark of the structural framing element and the Assembly Mark Number, Assembly Control Number, Weight, Component BOM (Sheet) and Component BOM (Project) parameters are updated. If the element is already an assembly, the assembly adds all not currently included elements and reruns the Join Elements tool to set the Component BOM (Sheet) and Component BOM (Project) parameters of all included elements. If the tool is run on an existing assembly, the origin and basis will not be altered.

NOTE: The control mark must be a unique name for an assembly to set its name, otherwise the tool will default the name of the assembly to the Revit default assembly name.


To construct an assembly the following settings are used in the General Parameters of the BIMpak Settings:

Connections need to be identified so their component parts can be added to the assembly. Connections are identified by checking for set values for the Component Type parameter using the Connections settings in the BIMpak Settings window:

Also, to include families that are inside Specialty Equipment families and have them added to the assembly and appear in tickets, the Construct Assembly Settings need to be entered. When making an assembly, each piece of specialty equipment that is included in the assembly will have its internal families searched to also be added to the assembly. To do this, the Component Type parameter of the families will be checked against the values in the Construct Assembly Settings to determine if they should be included.


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