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 Embed. Len.: The embedment length is measured from the back face of the plate to the end of the bar. For DBA’s, the program sets both hef and lb equal to the user assigned embedment length.

Anchor Group Layout

The spacings and edge distances of the anchor group input in this section are shown in the dynamic, scaled 2D sketches below the input.  Some of the anchor dimensions can be input in the both the sketch and the accompanying text box for that dimension.


Support brackets are commonly welded to embedded plates, but are not required in this analysis.

Eff. Depth: Distance from center of the tension force to the extreme compression ‘face’ (the bottom edge of the vertical element(s) of the bracket).

Eff. Width: Width of the bracket that is compressing the concrete.  May be the sum of the width of the vertical elements of the bracket.

Note: Bracket Dimension can be 0, only if both Mux=0 and Muy=0.

The analysis assumes that a compression block forms at the base of the bracket. Using a Whitney stress block, you can write an equilibrium equation:


Solving for a (the depth of the compression block), gives us the following:


where: d is the depth of the bracket, b is the width of the bracket, and M is the applied moment

From this, we can see that in order to generate a solution, the value for d must be greater than or equal to:


Resistance Factors

Include additional strength reduction for seismic design: ACI 318 Section contains additional reduction factors in seismic zones.  Select this option to include them in the analysis.
