The center focal point in this tool is the grid in the center of the main window. This will show you all the marks in the project and allow you to edit the mark number and control number. Starting from the left of the grid is the mark number. The mark number can be edited manually if desired, more likely this will change many times based on the rules set in settings along with the group tools. The control number is next as we go through the grid from left to right. This can be manually edited or edited by the tools above, however this is not edited by grouping tools. Family Name and Type Name are after the control number and are useful for setting grouping rules and quickly verifying that no errors have occurred in the tools. The last three columns show the state of ticketing of that mark. These values are read from parameters of the families with the names given in the Marks Manager Settings.
Inside the settings menu is a tabbed collection of settings that allow for custom rules to be set that will affect the verify/grouping and compare elements tools. The rules in the grids are saved “C:\ProgramData\Eriksson Software\Eriksson Sync” under the project name.
Connections – This will check all elements that are inside the structural element that have the "MANUFACTURE_COMPONENT" Component Type paramter containing "connection" in their value
Embeds – This will check all elements that are inside the structural element that have the "MANUFACTURE_COMPONENT" Component Type parameter containing "embed" in their value
Lifters – This will check all elements that are inside the structural element that have the "MANUFACTURE_COMPONENT" Component Type parameter containing "lift" in their value
Reinforcement – Checks "MANUFACTURE_COMPONENT” Component Type parameter against:
Contains “rebar”
Contains “strand”
Contains “wwf”
Contains “mesh”
Contains “shear” and “grid”
Is equal to “cgrid standard”
Other – This checks for everything that is inside the element but not labeled as one of the above element types
Settings – Mark Naming Rules
This tool will use all chosen elements and group them based on a set of parameters from the tree. When first clicking on the group tool you will be brought to a window that asks if you would like to use all elements or just use the elements chosen in the data grid. This can be useful if trying to only sort a subset of the mark numbers. Regardless of the selection the tool will then create a sorting tree or use the existing one if already created. This tree only uses the following properties for comparison and filtering purposes: Family Name, Type Name, and Approximate Volume. All elements are then grouped by these three parameters and renamed using the grouping rules defined in settings to give them a new appropriate mark number. Each consecutive group found will be named Prefix001, Prefix002, ectetc. Where prefix is the found prefix in the settings rules or “Mark” if no rules are applicable to the current family instance. If a mark had a mark number previously the old mark number will be removed and the new mark number will be used instead.