Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Also on this page are 2D views that show both the elevation and the cross section of the member.  Use the slider present in the elevation to select which cross section to view. 

Table of Contents


The analysis will automatically discount any strand that is present at an opening.  


Numbers of strands present in the currently selected grid.  These strand numbers are used internally by the program to track reinforcement, and by the user to define debonding and drapes, and therefore is not editable by the user.


Select the strand size from the drop down list. 

 % Pull

Pull fraction that is multiplied times ultimate stress to obtain initial stress.

 Strand Quantity

Number of rows and columns in the grid.  Note that you can create multiple grids for reinforcement input.

 Horizontal Location(s)

Distance from the left and right sides of the cross section to the left and right columns of the reinforcement grid, respectively.

 Vertical Location(s)

Distance from the bottom of the member to the bottom most row of the grid in the cross section, along with the spacing of the reinforcement.  Note that the program assumes that the reinforcement is parallel to the bottom of the member at all cross sections.  If you need to define a draped profile, you can do that below.



Here you define (by strand number) which strand are to be debonded.  To find out the strand number, hover your mouse over the strand in the cross section.  Note that mid-span debonding is not allowed at this time. (do multiple grids of strand number them correctly? That is, will the second grid take into account the first grid when numbering strand?)

 Start Length

Length of any debonding starting from the left end of the member.

 End Length

Length of any debonding starting from the right end of the member.



Here you define (by strand number) which strand are to be draped (just like debonding).  To find out the strand number, hover your mouse over the strand in the cross section. (can we change the profile in either direction? Or just down?)

 # Points

Number of draping points (1 or 2).

 First Drape Point

Location (from the left end) and height of the first drape point.

 Second Drape Point

Location (from the left end) and height of the second drape point.


For mild reinforcement, the user must account for holes themselves. (just like strand)


ASTM bar size of reinforcement.  If custom is selected, custom bar area and diameter must be entered.


Bar area for the selected bar, and is not editable when an ASTM bar size is specified.  When a ‘Custom’ type is specified, the user must input this value.

 Rebar Quantity

As with strands, rebar is input as grids, not single rows.  This allows for faster input of a large number of bars.  Here, input the number of rows and columns in this grid of reinforcement.

 Column Edge Distance (Left/Right)

Distance from the left and right sides of the cross section to the left and right columns of the reinforcement grid, respectively.

 Column Edge Distance (Top/Bottom) (should this be row?)

Distance from the left and right sides of the cross section to the left and right columns of the reinforcement grid, respectively.

 Position Down Length (Start/End)

Distance from the left and right ends of the member to the start/end of the rebars in the reinforcement grid, respectively.

 End Conditions (Start/End)

The end conditions determine the calculated development length.  The user can select from straight, headed, hooked, and mechanical end conditions.


Welded wire reinforcement can be placed either horizontally or vertically.  Instead of a ‘grid’ of reinforcement, WWR is defined and placed by sheets.  Currently, this reinforcement is only WWR can be used for flexure. (works like stand/rebar), shear / torsion, or both.


WWR can be orientated either vertically or horizontally. (is the input different for vertical placement?)

 Line Wires

Input the size and spacing of the line (main) wires.  These wires are the ones that are parallel to the span of the beam.  Check the box to let the program use these wires in the calculation of the flexural capacity.

 Cross Wires

Input the size and spacing of the cross wires.  These wires are perpendicular to the span of the beam.

 Position in Cross Section

Input the elevation (distance to the bottom) and the start (left) and end (right) positions of the sheet.

 Position along Length

Input the start (left) and end (right) locations of the sheet, as measured from the left and right ends of the member (respectively).

Transverse Reinforcement

The program can either compute the required area of transverse reinforcement, or the user can enter the transverse reinforcement and the program can check if it is sufficient. When entering transverse reinforcement the following options as presented:

Size / Legs / Area

These three options are used to determine how much a single bar provides for transverse reinforcement.

Shape / Bar Ends / Cover

These options are mainly used as a detailing option. They do not have an affect on the calculations but provide a more accurate print out and summary sketch for drafters, and provides more detail for Eriksson Sync.

Longitudinal Location

These options control where the bars are positioned down the length of the member. If the symmetric option is pressed, the bars will be mirrored to the other end of the member.

Use for…

Instructs the program to use this steel for shear and or torsion.